On Labor Day 2020 high winds fanned wild fires up and down the West Coast. One of those fires burned through crop land and forests then straight through the little town of Malden Washington. When the smoke cleared the next day, only 20 of the 120 structures in Malden were still standing. HopeBuilders is working with community partners to help victims of the Pine Creek Fire rebuild.
Projects include:
Mowers for Malden—refurbishing used mowers to share with families who lost theirs in the fire.
Community Garden—building boxes for a new community garden located in the Malden park.
Joy in a Box—building flower boxes to distribute to community members along with bedding plants.
Rebuild Malden Park—Working with professionals, our kids have been designing a brand new community park. We want to make Malden a place young families can start a future again. The park project is a huge, long term investment that will include a playground, beautiful signage telling the story of Malden’s history, disc golf, a picnic shelter, and safe access to the nearby rails to trails bike path.